Streamer Jackool gets maced in the eyes during live stream

During a live stream, popular streamer known as Jackool was walking on the sidewalk trying to get reactions from people while harrassing them.
Streamer Jackool has over 32,000 followers on Twitch during the livestream.. Most of his videos include him and his girlfriend who roam around the city trying to find people and get angry reactions from them.
One day, he approched a man sitting on the sidewalk smoking a cigarette. He asks the man what he thinks about n***s. The man seems to be annoyed by Jackool pointing the camera in his face. So he gets up and tries to walk away.
Both the man and Jackool have an altercation while his girlfirend is nearby.
Then when the streamer comes close to him, the man takes out his pepper spray and sprayed him in the eyes. Then the man walks into a store.
Jackool goes back while squinting his eyes from the pain. He tells his girlfriend about the spray. Then they start looking for a solution to stop the eyes from burning. She pours some water in his eyes while he starts crying on the sidewalk.
Jackool sits near the crosswalk and rolls over from the intense pain. Then he gets up to go to a store to buy some medical stuff for relief.
Both of them live in a studio apartment when they do the inhouse streams. After the video has travelled across multiple platforms and gaining over 2 million + views, Jackool removed the video from his profile.

But the damage done was already too late. The clip was doing rounds on Tiktok, Instagram and Reddit. Many people were quite angry with him.
After the video reached the moderators of Twitch. They decided to terminate his account permanently on basis of harrassment policy.
Jackool tried to appeal by sending multiple messages but did not get a response.
Since then, Jackool has not been seen online or active on any of his social platforms.
How Dangerous is Pepper Spray?
What is pepper spray made of?
A lacrimator is a substance that causes tear production. The term also refers to a group of nonlethal chemicals used to temporarily disable without killing by causing intense irritation of the eyes, skin, and lungs. One of the most commonly used lacrimators is pepper spray. The main ingredient in pepper spray is capsaicin, which is found in edible peppers such as jalapeños. If you have cut up a jalapeño and then touched your nose or eye, you are very familiar with the irritating properties of capsaicin! It is also used in topical products to treat minor pain.
Pepper spray vs. Mace: what’s the difference?
Mace is a name commonly applied to any lacrimator product, but it is actually a brand name for a series of personal protection products. Original Mace contained the lacrimator chloroacetophenone, but many Mace products now contain capsaicin. Mace (the lacrimator) should not be confused with the herb mace related to nutmeg, nor the medieval weapon also called a mace.
How does pepper spray work?
Pepper spray is typically dispersed into the air as a stream of liquid or as an aerosol of small particles. Pepper spray products come in many sizes, including hand-held containers intended to be sprayed at a single person or animal (such as bear spray), as well as canisters that can be thrown or shot into an area, such as those used by law enforcement.
What happens if you inhale pepper spray?
Pepper spray causes irritation of the eyes, skin, and mucus membranes. Inhalation exposures can cause coughing, difficulty breathing, nasal and throat irritation, and a runny nose. Eye exposures can result in pain, redness, watery eyes, difficulty opening the eyes, and sensitivity to light. Skin exposures can cause pain, redness, swelling, and itching.
How long do the effects of pepper spray last?
The effects of pepper spray usually last 20–30 minutes but occasionally for several hours, especially if contaminated clothes have not been removed. However, more persistent injury is possible, including corneal abrasions, wheezing, and skin blisters. People with lung conditions, such as asthma or COPD, can have more severe breathing effects when pepper spray is inhaled.
How to protect yourself from pepper spray
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published recommendations for how to protect yourself and what to do if exposed to tear gas like pepper spray. These include leaving the area where the tear gas was released and getting to fresh air. Emergency coordinators might advise people to evacuate an area or “shelter in place” inside a building to avoid being exposed to the chemical. If the spray was used indoors, open doors and windows to air out the area right away.